Horses for Sale and Lease

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Contact us for horses that have not been listed yet.

Dollarboy L

Dollar is a 17h, 14 year old Holsteiner gelding who is the perfect horse to show you the ropes in the jumper ring. Suitable for a 0.8M to 1.10M job.
Dollar has experience in both the jumper and equitation ring. Very easy to live with and loves to snuggle, horses like this don't come along often!

Available for lease for 6 months to a year. Inquire for pricing

Pricing Chart

A - $5,000 and under

B - $5,001 to $10,000

C - $10,001 to $15,000

D - $15,001 to $30,000

E - $30,001 to $50,000

F - Over $50,000

Past Sales/Leases

Ever In Your Favor - LEASED

Cassie as we call her is a 9 year old Westphalian mare who is the quietest mare you will ever meet! She is the perfect packer for crossrails through 3' and is the perfect three ring horse. A barn favorite, you won't want to miss out on this one!

Lease Price: E

Sale Price: F

Spring Thyme - SOLD

Spring Thyme, 4 year old, 16h Hanoverian mare by Sir Caletto. She has been under saddle for 4 months and is a quick and willing learner who is being brought along slowly and correctly. She is going w/t/c, started on lead changes and small fences. She has beautiful hunter movement and a floaty canter that will take you to the fences.

Price point: D

Classic Twist - SOLD!

8 year old 14.2h gelding available for your consideration. This guy has scope for days and could easily do the division. More of a push ride, local show experience up to 2'3", has a change but not yet auto. Same horse everywhere he goes, no prep needed and doesn't have to see the jumps. Hacks out too!

Price: D

Lincoln - SOLD

"Lincoln" is a 9 year old small Welsh Cross gelding who is the perfect leadline through crossrail pony. He will happily tote around the leadline riders, teach a kid to walk/trot/canter, trot the crossrails or canter around an 18" course. He is also the perfect trail mount and will take care of his rider on even the toughest terrain. Loads, hauls, clips, and will stand tied to the trailer all day.

Price Point: B

Orchard Hills Dragon Fly - SOLD!

"Maco" as we call him is an 11 year old, fancy 13.1 1/2h (perm. card) Welsh cross pony by Smoke Tree Dragon Tail. Maco has been thriving in a walk/trot and short stirrup job the past year with lots of Champion and Reserve ribbons at large local shows. Rated show experience with his previous owner. Maco has the scope for a bigger job but would need some schooling since his current child has only been confident enough to do crossrails. Click the "Find out More" for pictures, videos, and more details.

Price: D

Copper Tone - SOLD!

Copper as we call him is 10 year old, 14h grade gelding. Copper is the perfect leadline through 18inch pony who could easily step into the 2ft hunters with his right rider. He is proven with small children and is ready to have his own rider. Easy keeper, loads of miles outside of the ring, has a flying lead change when asked.

Copper is a barn favorite and we are not in a hurry to sell him.

Price Point: C

Kiss Me Karen - SOLD!

All around mare suitable for the local hunters, jumpers, equitation, hunter paces or even a lesson program. Easy lead changes, forgiving to the jumps, sweet in your pocket personality. Local and rated show miles up to 2'6".

15 years old with many years left, Thoroughbred cross, 15.3h

Price: D